
About Voice Dialogue

Are you a pleaser or a perfectionist? Do you have an inner critic that constantly reminds you of your flaws and shortcomings? Do you push yourself to over-achieve or to take on more responsibility than is rightfully yours? Do you give up on your dreams or goals before they can even begin to take shape?

All of these, along with others, are coping strategies that some of us developed in childhood to keep us safe from real or perceived dangers. These strategies, however successful in childhood, become major barriers to our growth and well-being as adults.

I utilize a technique called Voice Dialogue to assist you in becoming more aware of these coping strategies and to recognize when you have been hi-jacked by these less effective parts of yourself. Lack of awareness of these powerful voices can resulting in repetitive, negative patterns of behavior, impacting not only your own life but also your closest relationships. Voice Dialogue contributes to greater awareness so you can make more informed decisions for yourself and your life.

Through Voice Dialogue , we can actually talk to the Pleaser , the Perfectionist , the Pusher , the Overly Responsible O ne or the Inner Critic and all the various aspects of our selves. We can not only move beyond being totally identified with these selves, but also develop an aware compassion for the parts of ourselves that we have been critical of and rejected in the past.

Voice Dialogue is the most powerful consciousness raising tool I have found..

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